Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit: WoW
Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit
to blog or not to blog, which is the path a true underwear ninja must take? whichever path it be, it will surely be a rough-hewn one. argyle, possibly.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
i've been playing the "world of warcraft" 10 day trial.
if you don't know what "world of warcraft" is then you probably haven't sat down and played a computer game in the last 2 years. look it up on wiki or google it.
its the most popular MMORPG in the world.

i actually remember liking the original "warcraft" when that came out in the mid 90s. it was the predescessor to "age of empires," actually. but WoW is not the same thing and shouldn't be compared to the original.

and here's the scoop on the game for all ya'll that wanna know what the big deal is:
ya it can get pretty addictive when you are given a new quest every 30 min and you have to work your way up all the levels. and the world is gigantic and relatively detailed.
i found myself passing the time as "swuteimsayin" the magic-weilding gnome.

the music is very simple. mostly chords and decorative harp or chimes or something. no grammy nominations but it does fit the general "feel" of the game. all except for the low-quality samples they used for the instruments. it is all painfully midi-sounding. no real instruments here. but its ok as long as you keep the music volume pretty low.

i don't understand the server qeue.
it tells you what number you are in the qeue, like say the "world" is full and you have 51 people in front of you. then it tries to give you an estimated waiting time.
and i was fine with waiting around to play. after all, mr. and mrs. smith was on and i didn't have to stare at my monitor.
but the number is erratic. i was number 52, then i was number 85, then 12, then 33, and so on.
isn't the qeue supposed to go only 1 direction? down, right?
i felt like people were cutting in front of me or something.
not sure how that works but it was really annoying and eventually what stopped me from playing.

southpark did a parody of it called "make love not warcraft" and its very funny (coz alot of the stereotypes are *sigh* depressingly true). and o ya, if you really wanna watch it, you'll have to deal with the french subtitles because comedy central has swept up all the real versions on the internet.


posted by underwear ninja 10:34 PM  
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