Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit: Week with the Kauffam day 0
Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit
to blog or not to blog, which is the path a true underwear ninja must take? whichever path it be, it will surely be a rough-hewn one. argyle, possibly.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Week with the Kauffam day 0
i start with day 0 because its noteworthy that i tell you that i've finally unpacked and moved most of the boxes that were piled up in the corner of my living room. its a good thing i did too because we ended up really needing the space.
this is the day i am to meet kauffam at the airport and welcome them to new york! but the buses are having some kind of service change now and it didn't exactly work out that way. actually, all of MTA is having a service change now with some subway lines being discontinued and such.
the day is mildly hot and my poor little air conditioner doesn't really do a good job of cooling the whole place. i didn't really know the extent of how this would be a problem when i left it on full blast for a day in anticipation of their arrival.

so they took a cab and met up with me at my apartment. those sunny state people all have nice tans and i look like fresh linens. we drop off all the luggage and determine where the beds will go and head on over to BJs wholesale groceries place. most of what we picked up would end up being m&ms and stuff. i mean we got cereal and bread and various stuff but we definitely made much more thoughtful decisions in the candy aisle(s).

we headed back to unload our stuff and then ate dinner at Joe's Best Burger. It was at that point that the kauffam scavenger hunt manifested itself. cameras were going off as the teams had their radars tuned to finding things like "4 people on a bench" and "a guy with a mohawk riding a bike".

we got back to the apartment and o noes the air conditioner didn't really do a good job of cooling the place while we were gone. in fact, it was about the same temperature outside as it is inside now. so we decided to put a big fan (obtained from BJ's) into the window and forego the air conditioner. after all, the air will get cooler overnight it might not be so bad. its just like grandma's house!

after watching a completely legit downloaded movie, "how to train your pet dragon" it was time to go to sleep for the night, fiddling with scott's ipad in bed.
posted by underwear ninja 8:04 AM  
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Name: underwear ninja
Home: New York, New York, United States
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