Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit: bodies: the exhibition
Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit
to blog or not to blog, which is the path a true underwear ninja must take? whichever path it be, it will surely be a rough-hewn one. argyle, possibly.
Monday, July 03, 2006
bodies: the exhibition
I went to
Bodies: The Exibition
today and wasn't allowed to take pictures.

man there is a certain intensity about seeing real (ex)people's muscle fibers, bones, and guts.
ok, that sounds gross, but it wasn't really gross. it was scientific and learning more than anything else. not "artsy" at all, but interesting nonetheless.

the things that struck me most were the arteries/veins, overweight lady, and the fetus exhibit. btw, the fetus one had a warning that it would be intense. and it was...
because you know that these were real people. and most of them look asian, and young...
they showed the entire process in weeks/months of a fetus from conception to baby all using real ones. there was even a girl torso (15 y/o?) with a fetus (about 2 months?) inside. very very humbling...
but it really helped get a grasp of how that fetus is growing.

the overweight lady was chopped lenthwise in 4 slices. it showed the muscles and the fat deposites. and in a very real way.

and the veins and arteries were especially intriguing. all of the cells in the body are not more than a few microns away from an artery. they had a process by which they would inject the vessels with some kinda hardening solution, and then chemically dissolve the skin away. you could see the human form made up of all the veins and arteries. spectacular. like cotton candy. the main ones would branch out like tree limbs and then turn into cotton candy. sorry, i don't know how better to explain it. you could see all the internal organs (made entirely out of blood vessels). i actually never knew how all that worked.
posted by underwear ninja 9:40 PM  
  • At 10:16 PM EDT, Blogger Iris Blue said…

    I wonder what happened that so many young people had died....with a fetus inside, too. That is sad. You can understand old, infirm, and sickly but not young.

  • At 12:10 AM EDT, Blogger Big Penguin said…

    As long as it's cotton candy... and that's for me!!!

    I should have seen it when it opened in Tampa.

  • At 10:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Steve and I saw the exhibit in Tampa. Kinda neat for the average person to see. Steve had seen a lot in med school.

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