Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit: seattle: day 1
Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit
to blog or not to blog, which is the path a true underwear ninja must take? whichever path it be, it will surely be a rough-hewn one. argyle, possibly.
Friday, August 18, 2006
seattle: day 1
seattle didn't seem as big as i thought it would be
coming into town by shuttle bus, we (chris, my producer and I) passed boeing, the ports, a couple stadiums, the space needle, and then we're there.

clean city too. mighty clean.

and at times it seemed like there was nobody there. but i guess coming into town on a sunday afternoon might look like that.
we stopped off at the sheraton and tried to decide if we should take a taxi, the monorail, or walk to the "touristy" part of town, the Seattle Center. that's where the space needle is and a couple museums.
me: "how much for a taxi to the seattle center?"
valet: "hmm... under $5"
ok so as it turns out my map is drawn a little like a theme park map. crazy cartoons drawn out of scale. it looked like the seattle center was on the other side of the world. but you look down the street and its right there.
we walked and beat the monorail.
it was boring walking down the street of seattle. same sh%, different city. they had banana republic, nike, gap, *yawn*....
i can get any of this stuff in any other town in america. its too bad that it worked out that all stores are everywhere now =(
i DID get to see a starbucks joint that had the original logo on it. a fully-nude mermaid with 2 tails on a wooden sign. finally, a little something you can't see somewhere else...

20 bucks to get in the needle? pshaw!
instead we went to Experience Music Project (EMP) next door
its supposed to be a rock museum of sorts
it sounded so promising. especially for a couple music biz dudes here for an audio implementation lesson at the conference.
inside it was too wide for its own good. they didn't have enough stuff to fill the place it seemed.
there were some manaquins showing the garb of some famous musicians (not originals), a history of the seattle music scene, a walk-through dedication to hendrix, a pitiful exhibit on hip hop (it was mostly graffiti art and some spray paint cans behind glass), a "rock out" section, and a gift shop. the rock out section turned out to be the most fun because it had real instruments (guitars, keyboards, drum sets) that you could have a recording sessions with. but as fun as it was, it was still something i could readily do at any other time (music biz dude). i got a shirt at the gift store so i could have something "from seattle" (don't have any immediate plans to return). chris always complains about my wardrobe so i let him pick it out. its too small, but he says that's the style these days.

so we got outta there and hailed a taxi (btw that 1st pic was a hasty out-of-window shot as we drove by) to get us to registration at the conference center. nice place.
they had xbox 360 games, PC games, food, open bar, and a masseuse. i signed up for the massage and i got a dude. and he was really light on the touch so i was bored and wanted to get a-playin' on those video games.
my new favorite game right now is call of duty 2. its immersive in its own way.
then i was officially on "company time" and i had to network and mingle.
met a middle-agem quiet, lonely guy named drew who, before becoming senior director for xbox live, worked for the gov't making military games. he drove tanks and shot guns for research and developed real-time war simulators that they used for combat training for tank operators in the middle east. he had a bundle of interestingness hidden behind his casual boredom.
we were having a grande ole' time before SoundDelux *dun dun dunnnn* showed up and started blabbing about how many terabytes of SFX they have. (ya that's, great.... i was talking to drew)
met a dude from australia presenting some audio middleware called FMOD. he'd been up for about 40 hours and loved talking about monkeys. he goes on a trip to another part of the world every year and watches the monkeys there. he's even suffered in the coldest mountains to look at rare monkeys in their natural habitat. he was actually babbling about them, but he'd been up for 40 hours so he was excused.

chris and i headed back to the hotel at about 9pm and planned to meet at 7am for breakfast.
posted by underwear ninja 11:46 PM  
  • At 5:55 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Can't wait to hear more.

  • At 8:02 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    good details and feel of it--nbk

  • At 7:49 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You're showing signs of being a New Yorker!! When it comes to access to shopping & culture/museums you'll always be unimpressed by the size and 'pulse' of any other city you visit now.

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Name: underwear ninja
Home: New York, New York, United States
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Write To Say It
Big Penguin
Iris Blue
Lazo Land

more about gamefest to come...
gatorade and what now?
it is new york after all..
i dug it in a "dark art" kinda way
early afternoon banter
booze and the city
viva taco bell
he's no match for missile-missy
we kidnap and ravage and donkey-la-hoot!
the armpit of the northeast

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