Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit: youtube sux
Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit
to blog or not to blog, which is the path a true underwear ninja must take? whichever path it be, it will surely be a rough-hewn one. argyle, possibly.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
youtube sux
ok it had to be said. once and far all.
youtube sux!

where it once used to be a place where you can view anything you want, it is now a tangle of copyright infringments. so much so that any worthwhile video has been removed for violating the terms of use.
the good is that they will allow ANYONE to upload videos for the world to see.
the bad is that anyone WILL upload videos for the world to see.

i'd say that a solid 95% of all youtube videos are pure junk. dull videoblogs, stupid walks down stairs, tweens laughing at ketchup on the floor.... pure garbage that should never be uploaded to youtube.
not to mention that all the "most watched" or "highest rated" videos are of some korean tv show. are there really 5 million koreans all voted for their lame shows all day? or maybe the most viewed is some 30-something hillbilly that tricks everyone to listening to his passionately incoherent ramblings by inserting a picture of britney spears in the middle of his junk.

youtube has become mostly trickery nowadays

but if i try to watch the star wars gangsta rap, or the cat cleaning machine, or the southpark world of warcraft episode? "this video has been removed yada yada"

and google video aint better. its actually worse.
thanx google..
thanx for crappifying what was once an endless potential of entertainment

you just wait... they'll start a subscription fee. i have foreseen it.
posted by underwear ninja 1:16 PM  
  • At 9:13 AM EST, Blogger Big Penguin said…

    I disagree..... sort of! Youtube was NEVER a bigtime player in copywrited media. Most TV shows that went up where always taken down fairly quickly. It is, and remains, a dumping ground for people's home movies, etc.

    On that note, there are some very entertaining home movies out there. It is what it is.

  • At 6:51 PM EST, Blogger Sunset~Lover said…

    I'm back!
    Anyways, have you seen ifilm.com? They had on there those never to be seen superbowl proposal commercial. And I also found on there the clip of Rosie going off about Anna Nicole the morning she died...Couldn't find that on youtube.

    -prev. livelaughlove

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