Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit: October 2005
Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit
to blog or not to blog, which is the path a true underwear ninja must take? whichever path it be, it will surely be a rough-hewn one. argyle, possibly.
Monday, October 31, 2005
marriott screws everything up
so this halloween i don't get to go to any parties or out to social events. i get to work the stupid overnight shift at the marriott. man i hate that.
being so, i can't dress up for halloween. so i guess this year when people ask me what i'm sposed to be i'll just say i'm "sexy". then they'll be like "o, ya"
hmph! >=(
posted by underwear ninja 7:34 PM   1 comments
  • At 6:33 PM EST, Blogger Big Penguin said…

    Wow! What a great blog. I have a blog to that you should check out sometime too....

    Hee hee, just kidding (don't you hate auto-replies?

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what would you call a "fall"?
top story headline on cnn.com: gas prices fall below $2.50

now that's not what i would call a "fall". come on people, let's not forget what a decent gas price is. a "fall" would mean that gas is cheap. maybe they should rework the headline to say "gas prices tiptoe below $2.50" or "gas prices less costly by a small margin, but don't get your hopes up". that would, after all, be closer to the truth and would not fool people into thinking the situation is somehow different. cnn is, like every other news media, trying to grab your attention with a flashy headline to get your interest in their stupid news.
i didn't intend for this entry to turn activist but this is how the media leads people's views on major issues and yes, there is bias in the media. o, btw, whatever happened to the quest for osama bin laden?? o yah, nobody thinks about it anymore because its not in the news! i have a headline for you: "america still can't find the guy that butt-raped them". that should be the headline every week, so we don't forget what our priorities are.
posted by underwear ninja 8:32 AM   0 comments
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Friday, October 28, 2005
running out of cold water
i'll call it a phenomenon. how in the world do you run out of cold water? the usual normal thing is to run out of hot water. and then you complain that the shower took too long and you have to bath in ice and yada yada. but i ran out of cold water this morning in the shower. how does this happen? i would expect to run out of hot water in the land of freeze up here in new york. where the winters and the people get bitter cold. i mean i guess i should feel lucky, considering just that. but really, how odd is it to run out of cold water? halfway through the shower the water turned scalding and i'm sitting there thinking: "ok, now what?"
do you know how impossible hard it is to wash the insides of your ears in the sink? and your chest? there is water all over the bathroom floor now. but it should dry quick enough. everything dries quickly now. maybe i'll fire up the new (old) humidifier soon. what will this city think of next?
posted by underwear ninja 9:59 AM   1 comments
  • At 9:26 PM EDT, Blogger nbk said…

    haha, never heard of running out of the cold side of the water. Weird! We're back on line now, obviously. Thanks for the calls.

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Monday, October 24, 2005
a lesson on one way to stay happy
if you ever have a chance to go shopping for clothes with a fashion designer, take it. i speak from experience of course. the experience i just had today! teeheeee (the sound a little girl makes when she wins 5 barbies in a door prize or something like that)!!
you see, i have no winter apparel apart from a trenchcoat. i love that trenchcoat btw, but i still feel that i need more than that for stepping out into the cold. and then later, something for stepping out into the freezing. so i decided i needed to do some shopping for these things. but where to start? i called my fashion designer friend kathy, who designs for GAP, for a day shopping.
i told her i was looking for trendy clothes that will make me look nice and be warm and also cheap. she was such a helper; taking me to all these stores she knows in town and throwing all these clothes at me. "try this on" "you need a fleece" "unbutton that"and occasionally she would say "i need those!" at some shoes we passed. so i now have a fleece and 2 jackets for the cold. one of the jackets she wants to put patches and pins on for an "urban" look. i'm really happy with my trendy new jackets and i had a great time. i got to thinking: if you catch someone in their element, that is, catch someone who is participating in something they're excited about, you yourself will have more fun too. kathey loves fashion, and going clothes shopping with her was a blast. like the same way i suppose going to a concert with a musician or going to the museum with an art teacher would be a blast. who you're with makes ALL the difference. i always knew that to be true. like whatever friend you see a movie with will make all the difference in the enjoyment. but now i understand that it's being around someone that genuinely finds enjoyment in whatever it is that is the fun part. even if it is an activity (like shopping) that you wouldn't normally think is that much fun. so to the world i will give one piece of advice that i've discovered today: try to put people around you in their element. find out what it is that makes them tick and surround yourself with them when that situation occurs. you will open a new door of happiness for yourself.
on a side note, kathy told me that "Edna Mode," the clothing lady from the incredibles, you know the short one that with the bowl-cut hair and round glasses that makes their body suits, is based on her teacher from the savannah school of fashion design. she told her teach how remarkable the similarities between them were and her teach, a chinese "character" of herself, told her that she had gotten a call about a year before the movie came out from an ex-student that was illustrating for the movie who told her they were using her image to base a character on and if that was ok. its kinda cool that kathy knows the real-life edna personally.
posted by underwear ninja 12:01 AM   0 comments
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Monday, October 17, 2005
o the things you find in chinatown
so apparently they make pocky "for men". i absolutely love it! what on earth made them think to market a breadstick with chocolate coating to men only is what makes those chinese "the chinese". shh don't tell but i gave some to a girl! and she liked it!! she must be such a guy inside. the box says "pocky for men". what in the world?
posted by underwear ninja 9:03 AM   2 comments
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big bargain bananzaaaaa!
kmart gave me a nice suprise. i went in to get a cheap pair of shoes expecting to pay around $20. i found a pair i like for about $40. i went to pay and they were $5. thank you kmart.
posted by underwear ninja 8:28 AM   0 comments
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Friday, October 07, 2005
so there i was...
at work today i was looking for an audio mixer for a room i had to set. if you don't know me, welcome welcome; i work as an audio/visual tech at the hotel marquis in new york.
anyway, i needed to get a mixer so i went looking for one in the large ballroom we have: broadway ballroom. there on stage performing for a crowd of rich corporate ladies and gentlemen wearing their best, was a singer at a piano. the voice sounded familiar. i immediately thought "o my god is that norah jones?" but then i looked over the balcony and it looked more like someone else i knew in high school. i paid close attention to the style.....that sounds like norah jones, but it doesn't look like her still. then, she sang a passage of a song her bassist wrote and i KNEW it was norah jones. i thought "o wow norah jones is giving a concert in my ballroom and i have a free ticket and a nice view from the tech area (i was with the techs in videoland with the monitors and stuff). i still had work to do so i pulled myself away to continue my search for an audio mixer. i told the other techs i work with. their response, collectively, was, "norah who?". so there i was, wanting to share a moment with someone that it means something to, and there is nobody that can relate to me. nobody to share this moment with coz they are not cultured enough to watch mtv. how disappointing. its not the kind of thing either where you call up your brother or something and say "hey listen, it's norah jones!" ...it's not the same. if someone called me up to say "hey mark, listen! it's (insert middle of the line pop star here) playing!" i'd say "wow.....great....have fun!" now if elvis was giving a concert, you need to call me.
tomorrow norah jones will probably have left and i won't get so much as a picture with her and that'll be it. that's pretty much ever been my run in with famous people. I see one and think "wow, that's so-and-so" and then continue with my work and the next day they're gone. no star-struck awe or hob-nobbing. there's not really a point to this blog other than to say i saw norah jones tonight up close and nobody i work with knows who she is.
posted by underwear ninja 6:22 AM   1 comments
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Tuesday, October 04, 2005
a toast to fall
its the most wonderful time of the year
with the air getting colder and leaves getting older the holidays nearrrrr
its the most bestest time of the yeeeear
there'll be leaves turning colors from dry air that follows cold breezes that come from up north
there'll be parties and prizes, monsters of all sizes as kids trick-or-treat door-to-doorrrr
its the most wonderful season of all
the most wonderful season is fall

yes yes its that time of year when mark gets giddy coz the weather gets dry and cool. and the wind, the wonderful dry cool wind. ahhhh. it's probably in my head; i think everyone is more pleasant in the fall. i love waking up to the dry cool air and the sun shining with halloween peeking around the corner. ok time, STOP! but oh, if it stops i will miss winter. and i'm looking forward to a nice snowing winter in NY.
posted by underwear ninja 2:35 PM   2 comments
  • At 6:53 PM EDT, Blogger nbk said…

    Hey, you're waxing poetic, UN! The above comment, by the bye, is known as spam. The blogosphere is full of it. Most bloggers just delete it rather than restricting commenters.

  • At 6:40 AM EDT, Blogger underwear ninja said…

    ya, i figured its spam, since he wants me to see his auto loan site. but i'll keep it on there anyway coz it makes me feel special.

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Monday, October 03, 2005
bloggity blog
i got my new audio studio up. well, that is, the two computers can now see each other over a network (1 cable). man this pro audio biz is tough. the technical side is tough. the marketing side is tough. now i have sound coming through Sonar coming from gigastudio. HOORAY. i nearly ate a pizza in celebration at that. been trying to do that for 2 months. now the problem is that there is only ONE sound coming through. i laugh quite frequently at my situation. every day, in fact. c'mon, this is funny. I can't get sound from a computer, and when i do after 2 months, it's 1 sound. HAAA. its' 7:18pm and i'm gonna listen to danny elfman for an hour, then it's off the the marquis. speaking of, i was thinking the other day, did the marquis get mentioned in the movie "joe vs the volcano"? I seem to recall the limo driver suggesting that as the place they should go. that movie is great. "action-packed pee-wee!"
posted by underwear ninja 7:14 PM   0 comments
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Name: underwear ninja
Home: New York, New York, United States
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Write To Say It
Big Penguin
Iris Blue
Lazo Land

After-Holiday Candy Sale Rant
one thing I've noticed from this new blog layout (...
start stumbling
those crazy japanese
WoW Life
Wow Raiding
Reddit and You!
MJ inspired music by cee-lo green
pigeons be gone this instant!
Twister: the truth

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