Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit: for he's a jolly-good fellow
Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit
to blog or not to blog, which is the path a true underwear ninja must take? whichever path it be, it will surely be a rough-hewn one. argyle, possibly.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
for he's a jolly-good fellow
where is this "weather" we're sposed to be having? ooo the big bad winter will hit hard and you'll be soorrrryyy! well when?? here it is now, a month into winter and i actually sweated on the way to work.

RtheGreat asked if i've always been so philisophical. the answer is yes. i think this stems from late night patio parties and other moments with my dad. if you spend enough time around him, he will talk about all kinds of things about the human psyche and theories he has about this and that. the future, the past, the chinese, whatever. so maybe i just have a lot of practice. he probably has a lot to do with the late nights with my bro discussing everything from vocanoes to religion where he had an epiphany and realized, "you are me, i am god, and we are the world." my dad has an air, a presence of a thinker. ask him one day about his opinions of space. or violence in the media. or just something that one might be about to write a paper on and i'm pretty sure he'll be good for dithering about it. no short attention span there. heck he's the one that started me blogging because he wanted to get out there some of the goings-on in his noodle. i didn't know this blog was going to all be about dad, but now that it is i'll add him to my list of kool kats. for many reasons. but to keep consistancy with this blog i'll just focus on one reason: for helping his sons think more critically. werd!

this blog was not sponsored by dad

posted by underwear ninja 8:38 PM  
  • At 9:25 PM EST, Blogger nbk said…

    Yay patio parties! Yay to articulate sons and brothers! Yay to critical thinking, and yay to warmhearted, generous guys who aren't ashamed to communicate across the generations and blog their own ideas honestly. I am grateful and very proud, and you taught me something I'll always remember: a hippopotamus has 24 teeth!

  • At 9:07 AM EST, Blogger Iris Blue said…

    OMG...you've found a picture that makes him look like a Howard Stern wannabe! Hurray for Halloween!

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Name: underwear ninja
Home: New York, New York, United States
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Write To Say It
Big Penguin
Iris Blue
Lazo Land

you are? then why am I even talking to you?
bill and ted made the cut!
o that? it's my phylactery...
should auld acquaintance be forgot?
deafest brotha on tha block
time to make the donuts
xmas eve eve
tra la laa!
damn mta
sunday sumday something!

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