Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit
to blog or not to blog, which is the path a true underwear ninja must take? whichever path it be, it will surely be a rough-hewn one. argyle, possibly. |
Monday, January 02, 2006
should auld acquaintance be forgot?
well happy new year to all another year down, another to get through. here's what the 2005 year looked like for me:
-in orlando working at the marriott grande lakes and finishing up an internship at Sound O Rama. -after the internship, working extra hours at work and trying to find other jobs (ie pirate's dinner adventure) to accumulate money fast. -sending out resumes everywhere for internship prospects, going to washington d.c. and nyc for 2 interviews. -pack up everything and move north to nyc to intern at heavy melody. what a difference from FL -upgrade all studio equipment to a more pro-series set to build up online portfolio. -working out a livable schedule between interning and working at the marriott marquis. the majority of time spent since i've been in nyc has been working on different projects at heavy melody, working overnight shifts at the marriott marquis, sleeping, and learning the software i have acquired; family visits, friends visiting, updating wardrobe, toughing the skin to nyc hustles.
what will 2006 be like? hopefully i can quit my marriott job soon and be full-time in sound design. at some point this year i'd like to be able to make enough contacts that i can make substantial credits and live on money from projects.
here's a word on new year's in times square. i understand now that being in times square is probably going to be one of if not the best place to be on new year's. even if you do nothing but stand there, it is still quite exhilarating simply because there is so much energy in the air sensory overload. when that clock strikes midnight there is a feeling of celebration and utter elation that comes from hundreds of thousands suddenly being happy to be alive. the flash of lights. the roar of the crowd. the touching, energized music. i found myself without a choice: i had to feel majestically jovial and sentimental without ever moving a foot to dance, taking a sip of beer, or without being with anyone i'd ever known. i can only imagine what an experience it would be down on the street, not separated by 8 stories and thick glass.
fortunately, i have a camera small enough to take anywhere that takes video as well. here is a short video of how it looked from where i was. enjoy!
posted by underwear ninja
8:29 PM

You sure had a priviledged view being inside the Marquis.Too bad being outside would have been a real ordeal.Where does all the confetti come from? It looks like snow on the window. Thanks for the video.
1 - Yowzers!!! What a happenin' party. Glad you were in "the place to be" for New Years Eve.
2 - I love your video, but don't you have a bandwidth limit on your website (download traffic)? I just bring it up cause it could be expensive if you go over.
Did you set-up/tech any part of the New Year at the Marquis?
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You sure had a priviledged view being inside the Marquis.Too bad being outside would have been a real ordeal.Where does all the confetti come from? It looks like snow on the window. Thanks for the video.