Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit: damn mta
Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit
to blog or not to blog, which is the path a true underwear ninja must take? whichever path it be, it will surely be a rough-hewn one. argyle, possibly.
Friday, December 16, 2005
damn mta
so MTA (metropolitan transportation authority) is promising a strike in 1 day. oops, strike that, it's friday now. so it's supposed to happen today.
if they go on strike i'm in doo doo. shoulders-high in it.
i rely heavily on public transportation. hell i have to take a bus just to get to the subway. but marriott will not budge on me having to be there on time. which means i'll either have to walk, find a ride, or take a taxi. all three options requiring a very very very long time.
walking would take me about 1 1/2 hours and i wouldn't be worth anything once i got to work. finding a ride from a friend would be imposing a lot. taking a taxi would cost about $13 either way, so about $26 a day. and since everyone else will be in cars, traffic will be congested.
personally i think its rather selfish of mta employees to go on strike. they get paid more than i do, and their jobs aren't that technical. that's an understatement; they push a button >=(
the damn mta does not *actually* have a surplus of $1 billion like they claim. not when you take into account expenses for the next year: a new line, upgrading existing trains, more employees/buses. they're already offering an %8 increase over 3 years. this is, i suppose, to keep up with inflation. the union wants 3x as much.
its not as if they've earned the sympathy for their cause either. the damn mta isn't even around when i really need them anyway! it usually takes me an hour to get anywhere. when i think of all the time in my life i've wasted waiting or walking because they're never around....... are they trying to say they're worth more money? money that i paid for? hellz no! its an injustice to people that paid good money for tranportation, and now the damn greedy employees are threatening to not provide transportation and i'm sposed to be on their side? what they're doing reminds me of mobsters: they'll take money out of my pocket and there's nothing i can do about it. goodbye new rail cars, goodbye new lines, goodbye more employees and speedier service and it all goes into the unionists' paychecks??
no, they are threatening to strike for a cause they have absolutely no grounds for. i hope this injunction ruins their livelihood and i hope there is a fresh crop of potential employees lining the mta human resources office!
posted by underwear ninja 4:54 AM  
  • At 6:24 AM EST, Blogger Big Penguin said…

    How far is LaGuardia from your place? we may be walking it :-(

    Hey, they may all get fired since it's illegal for them to stike in the first place. Maybe I can finally relize my dream by getting a job as a bus driver in New York Sitty.

  • At 7:55 AM EST, Blogger R the Great said…

    Take a Taxi to and from the airport!! with 3 people it is worth the $30

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