Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit: gay swedish scientists and their gay studies
Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit
to blog or not to blog, which is the path a true underwear ninja must take? whichever path it be, it will surely be a rough-hewn one. argyle, possibly.
Monday, May 08, 2006
gay swedish scientists and their gay studies
i guess gay people got a small yippie today from cnn.com
they printed a story about how swedish scientists are trying to prove that homosexuality is a biological phenomenon rather than a choice. the study goes like this:
they take male pheromones and female pheromones and wave them in front of straight men, straight women, and homo women. straight men and lesbos liked the female scent better while straight women liked both the same. not exactly definitive but its a start i guess. i just hope free-thinking left-wingers don't go bonkers like they usually do and protest, and spread news, and flood the internet with wacky one-sided flash animations about how gay people have no choice. thing is, this article doesn't say that its proven. it says that swedish scientists reported a STUDY in a medical journal.
of course, it IS cnn.com and we already know they love to print half-truths and catchy headlines regardless of the real truth. they don't even mention ANYWHERE in the article about nature vs nurture or the possibility of it being learned behavior.
like, if you hang around a certain crowd long enough, eventually you might think your clothes could use pepping up, or grunging up, or whatever. your tastes change. your attitude changes. gives meaning to the phrase "acquired taste".
i remember hearing that women in the old days when they took baths in rivers used to have their periods together. just for hanging around each other all the time. hows that for learned biological behavior?
i think this study is a nice try and maybe even a good first step and trying to understand homosexuality. what i don't think it is is proof of ANY kind. and shame on cnn.com for their continued brazen efforts to mislead their gullible uppity readers
posted by underwear ninja 9:39 PM  
  • At 9:41 PM EDT, Blogger Big Penguin said…

    It's all a CNN conspiracy!!!

    I tend to agree with there being a biological link... mainly because I don't believe any homosexual would choose the ridicule and tremendous social pressure that comes with their sexual orientation. Yes, there are bigtime "Flamers" out there who just don't care, but that's no different than any other bad ass looking for attention. I tend to think most gays are in the closet and are prisoners to their orientation.

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