Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit: bathroom talk
Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit
to blog or not to blog, which is the path a true underwear ninja must take? whichever path it be, it will surely be a rough-hewn one. argyle, possibly.
Friday, February 23, 2007
bathroom talk
public bathrooms, actually

it never really occurred to me that this phenomenon is strange until today, washing my hands.
the little blob of semi-dry soapy gel on the floor tiles under the soap dispenser.

why is there a puddle of soap there? i certainly didn't add to it whilst i dispensed myself a handful of soap. in fact i don't recall ever having that happen to any soap dispenser i've used in the past.

what kinda person would be so careless as to miss or only get partial soap in the cup of his/her hand? (in this case, his). in a rush? looking in the mirror? there is a very minimal amount of concentration involved in this task. does the soap dispenser leak? not when i'm around.

i never really thought it was strange before. i more or less thought "o well these things happen, the soap is over the floor.. naturally some will spill from someone"
but you know what? who would spill??


posted by underwear ninja 12:04 AM  
  • At 7:20 AM EST, Blogger Big Penguin said…

    OK, I've got some experience with this one:

    1. Some soap dispensers DO leak. If someone is hard on the little plastic level mechanics that hold back the liquid soap, it'll drip out slowly onto the floor (this happens at school from time to time and is easily fixed by reseting the lever and putting in a new bag of soap.

    2. I'm guilty of another soap blunder. I've pulled my hands away on many a dispenser only to look back and see that the soap wasn't done coming out. BLOOP.... there it is, adding to the nice little puddle by the sink. It's not that I missed my hands completely, but the dispenser had a little discard AFTER I had the main portion of the soap in my hand.

    I never realized it until you brought it up, but I almost say a little prayer every time I pull one of those things that it'll work correctly. I've been dupped by many dispensers and it takes awhile for me to "trust" that a dispenser will work as intended. I was even more excited recently when I used a new dispenser that was automatic: That's right... simply wave your hand and out comes the soap. Wave your hand for the water, wave your hand for the dryer (or towel), AND wave your hand to open the bathroom door on exit (THE ULTIMATE IN GERM FREE.... BOB WHILEY WOULD BE SO PROUD)

  • At 2:58 PM EST, Blogger Sunset~Lover said…

    In women's restrooms - there always seems to be puddles of water around the sink. And usually, in places where it's notorious for a dripping soap dispenser...there's napkins placed underneath.

    And can't believe we're discussing soap dispensers. lol

  • At 2:59 PM EST, Blogger Sunset~Lover said…

    and fyi - that stupid word verification took me about 4 tries! I can see now dammit! I got lasik!! grrr.

    (and, of course, as I'm about to do the verification again, i get a stupid error in that box...)

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