Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit: Week with the Kauffam Day 6
Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit
to blog or not to blog, which is the path a true underwear ninja must take? whichever path it be, it will surely be a rough-hewn one. argyle, possibly.
Monday, July 05, 2010
Week with the Kauffam Day 6
so we had a pretty good nights sleep at the marriott marquis. the sheets are a juuuust big enough for the bed, not big enough for 2 people to share covers though.
today is blue day #2
so we decided to go down to world trade ground zero and battery park/wall street area.
breakfast turned into an adventure of sorts trying to find a dunkin donuts. we found one at a subway stop on 58th street. it was a hole in the wall type place.
steve ordered a dozen donuts and the lady just threw a bunch in a box and handed them to us.
it was pretty odd that she didn't let us pick which ones we wanted. when rhonda pressed why we weren't allowed to choose she retorted back quickly that "we didn't tell her we wanted to pick".
i don't know about you but that is like 3 kinds of ridiculous. to her credit she picked decent flavors. its possible she gets customers in a hurry i'm guessing.
so we took the 1 train down to chambers street with joe and bev and saw the world trade center ground zero site. there was a little souvenir shop on the side that was interesting because it had an isolation booth to record your recollections of the events that morning. and when the tower is done the recordings will be used somehow in the museum part. so i recorded myself so maybe i'll show up sometime in the future at the freedom tower.

we then walked down to wall street and in the old first national bank (i think). at some point i got locked out of foursquare and decided to forgo trying to get achievement badges. it was when i was trying to ping hale and hearty for my healthy badge and several gymsthen we saw a rotating street with a bomb sniffing dog. maybe i can find a video of that somewhere for youtube...

we then headed down to battery park and kinda hung out a little bit. cj spit on the ground, the bench, and all over himself.
we then headed over the chipotle for lunch in what would appear to be the longest line of the year for that place.
after lunch we then took the subway up to brooklyn bridge. my first time being on it. everyone's first time actually. i was surprised that the pedestrian walkway was wooden planks.

after brooklyn bridge we got split up. i went back to my apartment to grab my laptop and met back up with them at 8pm in times square to catch "in the heights" musical that i knew nothing about.
and it turned out to be kinda awesome. it was all reggaeton and salsa-y but it wasn't cheesey; they pulled it off. it was supposed to have this dude from high school musical in it but he wasn't there. didn't stop them from advertising him though. here's to hoping scott "acquires" the soundtrack and "loans" it to me...

the good thing about getting out of a late show in times square is that you're already at your hotel. i loved that! that makes 2 nights that it got late in times square and we simply took a few steps to our room.
posted by underwear ninja 10:03 PM  
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Name: underwear ninja
Home: New York, New York, United States
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Write To Say It
Big Penguin
Iris Blue
Lazo Land

Week with the Kauffam Day 5
Week with the Kauffam Day 4
Week with the Kauffam Day 3
Week with the Kauffam Day 2
Week with the Kauffam Day 1
Week with the Kauffam day 0
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alone in the dark => me at the studio
omazing grace

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