Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit
to blog or not to blog, which is the path a true underwear ninja must take? whichever path it be, it will surely be a rough-hewn one. argyle, possibly. |
Sunday, April 02, 2006
you say tomate i say tomato
so farmworker advocates gathered in chicago in front of the flagship mcdonald's for a demonstration against low wages. they complain that the workers make $50/day. specifically, the tomato farmers make $50/day to fill 125 buckets. does anybody out there think this is unfair? i really want opinions here. now i don't know the ins and outs of tomato-picking, i admit, but i'm assuming it isn't rocket-science. so minimum wage should be justified, right? 125 buckets filled and at the end of the day they get $50. if you do the math against an 8-hour work day that is about $6.25/hour. now the minimum wage of florida is $6.40, but if you make more than 125 buckets a day you get more, right? so if you want to make minimum wage you have to make 128 buckets/8-hour day. so it seems to me, initially and without any solid knowledge of how tomato farmers get paid, that they should argue that they should be expected to ONLY make 125 buckets/day. so bottom line is that they should get an extra cent/bucket (.41) of tomatoes in an 8-hour work day/125 buckets. so i guess i support that bottom line, being as 125 is a nice round number and i like round numbers. i guess you could say i like nice and round when talking about bottoms? |
posted by underwear ninja
9:21 AM
I'm sure $50 doesn't go a long way to support a big family. BUT if you want a big family then plan ahead and get a job that pays more. I think $50 is pretty good for menial labor.
I do a h___ of a lot more than that a day and don't get any money!
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I'm sure $50 doesn't go a long way to support a big family. BUT if you want a big family then plan ahead and get a job that pays more. I think $50 is pretty good for menial labor.
I do a h___ of a lot more than that a day and don't get any money!