Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit: why people don't like snow in nyc:
Underwear Ninja comes with Space Suit
to blog or not to blog, which is the path a true underwear ninja must take? whichever path it be, it will surely be a rough-hewn one. argyle, possibly.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
why people don't like snow in nyc:
i think i understand what new yorkians have against snow

day of snow: fun
day after: not fun!

when its snowing and your walking on a soft white carpet, it is jolly fun times.
when its stopped, and traffic/pedestrians have spent a day sloshing it around and packing it tight, it is miserable.
the snow is all brown now. and pushed on heaps on the side of the road. not enchanting...
the sidewalks are solid ice and you really have to keep your footing. not to mention everything is wet and/or melting. you still have to put forth effort to walking. but now everything is wet and there are puddles of slimy brown slush to jump over. but you better be prepared to land with grace because everything is slippery with mounds of slushy brown snow on the side of the road. not for the slow-walking. you literally have to jump over this stuff to avoid an ankle-full of dirty slush. most people resort to walking in the street to avoid the sidewalks and the hazard of getting to and from them. that makes it so people get splashed with dirty slush from taxis having a ball. sometimes you'll step in a chunk of what seems like a patch of snow, to sink a foot deeper into slush mess. kinda like in florida when you see a patch of grass in the marsh, but it decieves you alas.
and then the garbage trucks getting stuck and everything melting around and chunks of snow falling on your head from resaurant signs warming up, loosing the now more-hard snow. now is the time to stay indoors. people got it backwards around here. they should be out yesterday and in today.
so i'll put the video from yesterday up tomorrow when i get home. its short but hey its video. you get to see the attempt at a snowman ;)
posted by underwear ninja 12:57 AM  
  • At 6:13 AM EST, Blogger Big Penguin said…

    Watch that first step..... it's a DOOOOOOOOSEY!

    - Needle Nose Ned, Ned the Head (BING)

  • At 6:55 PM EST, Blogger Iris Blue said…

    Sounds like everyone should invest in rubber boots. Cold wet feet are not healthy for people.
    We had cold weather....in the low 40's, but now it beautiful again. :-)

  • At 10:28 AM EST, Blogger R the Great said…

    Now you understand what winter is like! Snow is NOT a good thing after the fluff. I hope it melts soon for you.

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Name: underwear ninja
Home: New York, New York, United States
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Big Penguin
Iris Blue
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a man, a camera, and a blizzard
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for he's a jolly-good fellow
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